Portfolio Analyser
Analyses an existing portfolio and helps you visualise where the portfolio stands compared to other alternative allocations.
Are you curious to see how your existing portfolio performs compared to alternative allocations?
Use the Portfolio Analyser tool to visualise where your portfolio stands compared to other possible allocations aligned with your risk tolerance level. You can see your portfolio mapped along the Efficient Frontier portfolios line - a line that clearly illustrates those portfolios expected to provide the highest returns at a given level of risk. You can rebalance and optimise your portfolio performance with a few clicks.
Retail Investor
Piocaro enables you to assess whether your current portfolio is aligned with your goals and values. You can rebalance and improve your portfolio performance with an alternative allocation of your existing securities with a few clicks.
Financial Adviser
Use Piocaro to demonstrate to your prospects the shortfalls of their current investment allocations, and clearly and quickly illustrate how they can create new optimal portfolios which are personalised to their goals and values.
See what else you can do with Piocaro
With disruptive innovations, we strive to make investing easy, simple and personalised specifically for you whether you do it yourself or with your financial adviser.
Stock Analytics
Identify a good company from mediocre ones and determine its fair value.
Fund Analytics
Analytics with intuitive charts to compare funds so you can make intelligent decisions about which ETFs to choose or avoid.
Custom Indexing Portfolio
Personalise a stock portfolio using individual securities in your chosen benchmark index in minutes.
Smart Portfolio
Automatically construct and personalise a well-diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds in minutes.
Portfolio Optimiser
Construct and optimise portfolios from your hand-picked securities list
Portfolio Analyser
Analyses an existing portfolio and helps you visualise where the portfolio stands compared to other alternative allocations.
Asset Correlation Heatmap
Visualise the correlations across your securities and identify the ones that benefit you the most from diversification.
Risk Tolerance Assessment
Assess and quantify your risk tolerance so you can make an intelligent risk-return trade-off decision.
Financial Adviser Dashboards
An essential tool to delight your life-long clients and meet the Know Your Customer compliance